The Best Answer to Your Running Q On Social Media Is Probably “It Depends”
Reputable sources won’t give one-size-fits-all advice online—so be wary of people who do.
I interview a lot of experts for story topics that are often very generalized and search-optimized (i.e. “how many miles should I run a week?” or “is it better to run outside or on the treadmill?”). A lot of times, the first answer an expert will give is “it depends” or “it’s about figuring out what works best for you.” That’s generally not what people want to hear.
Social media is rife with black and white answers to health and performance questions: “Do this one thing every day to eliminate ___ pain!” “To get faster you HAVE to do ___.” And traditional publishing isn’t immune to that approach; you often see it in clickbait-y headlines, thanks to the search engine optimization approach that drives so much of online strategy these days. Some articles may be pure clickbait, but usually with traditional media outlets, you at least get more real estate to dive deeper (using credentialed experts as sources) into a question someone might type into Google or crowd-source on social media.
“It depends” or “it’s about figuring out what works best for you” may not sound helpful, but it’s usually the best answer an expert can give you at the start of a conversation—especially if they don’t know you. “Any expert with integrity in their profession is going to avoid giving blanket advice without knowing individual characteristics of the person [asking],” says Meghann Featherstone, R.D., a Cleveland-based board-certified specialist in sports dietetics. “The training that we get as experts in our space, regardless of what kind of expert we are, is that there are certain variables that we need to understand and take into account to be able to direct someone in an appropriate fashion. To me, if someone is giving you detailed advice on how to go about something over DM without knowing you, that's a red flag.”
Here’s a very basic example: As a fitness journalist and running coach, I get tons of direct messages asking for shoe recommendations, but I will never recommend a specific shoe to a stranger. Why? Because I have no idea what their running history is, I don’t know anything about their biomechanics, and I can’t predict how a shoe will feel on their foot. The best thing I can do when I review a shoe on social media is share the product specs and my experience running; from there, it’s on the viewer to decide if that shoe might work for them.
When it comes to dispensing health and performance advice, there are people who will argue “but it’s science!” (A coach once said to me that all runners will always run faster during downhill races because of physics; never mind the fact that different runners thrive on different courses, and that doesn’t account for variables like weather, fueling, and mental strength.) Of course, science drives training: “There are fundamental physiological principles that govern how the body responds to running, [but] the way the specific adaptations occur can differ significantly based on the level of experience, fitness, and training background,” says Brittany Olsen, a UESCA-certified ultra running coach and NASM-certified personal trainer.
It’s easy to generalize on social media, where algorithms often reward bold, polarizing takes. I once had a reputable coach tell me “there’s no room for nuance on social media.” I’d argue that social media—where 52 percent of Americans learn about health tactics, according to a September 2024 State of Consumer Health Survey—is exactly where we need to make room for nuance.
We live in a culture that’s constantly seeking shortcuts, hacks, and silver bullets. While social media loves to elevate that type of content, the advice that actually works (which is often where the stories I mentioned above lead) is kind of boring—a lot of it comes down to getting a good night’s sleep, eating a balanced diet, incorporating different types of movement, progressing your mileage gradually…
And then there are content creators muddying the waters. Too often, people are turning toward the loudest person in the metaphorical room when it comes to health and performance advice—despite the fact that those people are often unqualified to be providing that advice, and may not be coming from a place where they’re genuinely trying to help people.
“The transition goes from ‘join me as I share fitness content for fun’ to wow, a lot of people followed me, I need to monetize my following, so now I’m an expert ‘run coach, nutrition coach, all three at once, etc. even though I’ve gathered no credentials along the way,” says Nick Klastava, a Maryland-based USATF Level 1- and RRCA Level 1-certified coach with Running Explained.
Unfortunately, social media often presents that type of influencer/content creator as equal to those with legitimate expertise and experience (think: credentialed running coaches, certified strength and conditioning specialists, registered dietitians, physical therapists, etc.) when their only real evidence is their own experience and personal opinion.
There are very legitimate, very smart people using social media. And those people probably want to help you! But there are limitations to helping strangers through a digital platform, so be wary of “experts” who provide injury advice in the comments of a post or offer very specific training advice via DM. Those people can’t possibly know exactly what you need to address that knee pain or hit your time goal in your next race.
But if you start a conversation with someone and they say something along the lines of “it depends” or “it’s about figuring out what works best for you,” that person—expert or not—is really encouraging you to dig deeper, do your own trial and error experimenting, and connect with an expert directly that can help you find answers.
When it comes to health and performance, most individualized questions require answers that are far more nuanced than the amount of characters a social media post allows for—and one size does not fit all.
the rundown
Mizuno Neo Zen
This year at The Running Event, Mizuno talked about how they were hoping to re-engage the US audience in 2025. Well, they’re off to a great start with the $150 Neo Zen. This daily trainer is essentially a sister to last year’s Neo Vista, except there’s no plate. Instead, it’s just a springy, 40-millimeter stack of ENERZY NXT foam, which remains stable thanks to a nice wide base. Paired with a lightweight, socklike upper, my stride felt rock solid moving through different paces. This is the kind of shoe I can see myself logging lots of long, easy miles in.
The Surprising Power of a Well-Timed F-Bomb
This is good news for anyone who has a habit of cursing mid-run (cough, me): Swearing has a hypoalgesic (read: pain-reducing) effect, according to a 2024 review published in Frontiers in Psychology. Studies show that a well-timed f-bomb might make working out hurt just a little less, and could also increase your strength and power. It’s partly distracting and disinhibiting, and of course there’s a cathartic element of cursing. One caveat: People who swear more frequently in their daily lives will see less of a response when they swear during exercise—so save those f-bombs for your next race day.
Peak Performance, by Steve Magness
I’m a big fan of Steve Magness’s books, where he generally makes science—whether it’s related to sport, work, or life—accessible and easily applicable. Peak Performance is a deep dive into the stress + rest = growth equation. This book was full of practice advice on how to set yourself up for success, whether you have a performance goal or you want to better handle your job. The section on minimalizing to maximize especially resonated with me—decision fatigue is real, and I would like less of it this year!
Confessions of the Marathon Widows
This Bustle article, written by an anonymous wife of a marathoner, was a nod to the financial, familial, and social casualties that can come with someone’s decision to commit to endurance sports. As someone who participates in those sports, it was a nice reminder that marathon training affects people beyond the runner, and it’s very easy to let running take over your life (for many newer runners, in a way that can shift their entire identity). There’s nothing wrong with dedicating yourself to a goal, but it’s so important to build training around your life rather than sacrifice your life for it. As the writer calls out, “all-in obsessiveness” usually doesn’t end well—for you, and for those around you.
I've read a similar article to the "Marathon Widows" in the NYT a few years back (gift link: and it's something I think about all the time as a DINKWAD -- just the sheer amount of freedom and privilege I have to tackle marathon training season with relatively few repercussions for anyone else.
Yes! Posts about running on social media often lack nuance and context, too. I think that’s something that’s been bugging me lately.